I’m guilty / bored.

So today, for the first time in weeks, months – I don’t really have anything pressing to do, I definetly have things I could be doing but they are so minute or distant I don’t feel to bad procrastinating from them.

Now, I’m plagued with this immense guilt for just sitting around. Although I do feel like I should be relaxing, I mean for the last I can’t even remember my brain has constantly been a fried egg and my hair has literally been falling out..

I feel like I should be doing some proactive relaxing, reading or something, trying to advance my stunted vocabulary from 3 swear words.

Ah, look how shit I’ve become.. this is how bored I am. That’s it really, it’s not really guilt, I think it’s just boredom. While all my friends embrace their employment I’m sitting inside on a sunny (its deceiving though, its chilly) day.

I need to go buy a rugby ball or something. That I think is an incredible idea. I’m gonna go be 13 again.

*p.s – I think I honestly opened up this page to try & write something exciting & good.

FAIL. hahaha oooh well.